Company email by the phone (10/2001)
Email by the phone is available for private customers using Unified Messaging feature provided by the carriers.
But the real revenues came only by companies' users that can find valuable to listen their email when they are moving (or when they are stopped) on the highways.
This kind of service means to bypass the company's firewall securities.
S.U.BB. (Symmetric usage of Broadband), 4/2002
Finally you have FOH! A lot of Mbps only for you! unfortunately you are using just in asymmentric mode: a lot of downloads and the line is totally free for uploads...
Why don't you put a new input on your decoder, in order to directly connect your handheld VCR? so you can upload towards your favorite A.S.P. (that will be very glad to see his expensive storaging system finally working for a lot of data, not just few pages and some image.) your own movies, and without property fees or royalties ...
and perhaps, the grandparents can finally see not only the syill images ot the little growing grandsons, but also the last fottbal games, ot he last birthday party ... (and probably the local broadband provider will be very glad to sell them a new connection!!)
The folding screen (11/2002)
Probably your UMTS provider is strongly trying to sell you the new expensive portable videophone, convincing you that so it will be posible to see the best football actions or the newly released movie.
But, what about your optician? Are you able to see all this marvels on the 2" screen without galsses (or probably you need a telescope)
I think you better will use a portable phone with a FOLDING screen: now it is possible. Using p.e.
this kind of technology your phone will have the possibility to EXPAND your viewing area to a "human" size.
see at under "CONTACTS"
W3C WAI (listen, don't read ...)
Remember: technology usability is a function of the five human senses: if unfortunately SIGHT is a problem, for the Internet users is a BIG problem. WAI is a good idea for hyposeeing people but doesn't fit for totally dumb: so use the HEARING. Combining technologies to input commmands (see e.g. ASPHI in Bologna) with text-to speech technologies (see e.g. Loquendo) for the output, is it possible to have also these people joining the communities (I' have not yet solutions for images)
ANTIvirus? no, PROusers !
antivirus software (and more generically, security software) is based on the recognition of malicious patterns. Why don't turn on the situation? to partition the computer for only the recognized good users. (remember the MVS...)
SEI (the power of the information)
This is an old (very old) idea: in 1986 we were using the computer rooms (in Italian: Centro Di Calcolo); in my company i called them (full of DEC VAX computers, networking the company's videoterminals via the Ethernet "yellow cable") Stazioni di Energia Informatica (SEI), i.e. (electrical) Power Stations.
at the early 2000s the new fashion is the "utility computing" ...
nothing new under the sun ...